Pine Pitch and Bird Droppings

Protect Your Car's Paint:

The Perils of Pine Pitch and Bird Droppings

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it's easy to overlook the seemingly minor threats to our vehicles' exteriors. However, something as innocuous as pine pitch or bird droppings can actually wreak havoc on your car's paint if not handled properly. At Revive Auto Detailing, we're passionate about helping you protect your investment, which is why we're shedding light on these common culprits and providing tips for effective removal.

The Damage They Cause:

Pine pitch, or tree sap, and bird droppings contain acids and other compounds that can corrode your vehicle's paint over time. What starts as a small, seemingly harmless spot can quickly escalate into a permanent stain or even paint damage if left untreated. The longer these contaminants remain on your car's surface, the more difficult they become to remove, potentially requiring professional intervention.

Proper Removal Techniques:

  1. Act Quickly: Time is of the essence when it comes to dealing with pine pitch and bird droppings. As soon as you notice them on your vehicle, take action to address them promptly.

  2. Gentle Cleaning: Avoid using abrasive materials, force, or friction as they can scratch or damage your car's paint. For bird droppings, opt for a gentle product such as P&S Paint Gloss. For pine pitch we have found rubbing alcohol to be the best solution, though it requires patience and care to use or you risk damaging the paint on your car.

  3. Pre-Soak: Before attempting to remove pine pitch or bird droppings, pre-soak the affected area with P&S Paint Gloss or rubbing alcohol to soften the residue and make it easier to remove.

  4. Use Proper Tools: New microfiber towels are ideal for gently wiping away pine pitch and bird droppings without causing damage to the paint.

  5. Rinse Thoroughly: After cleaning the affected area, rinse it thoroughly with water to remove any remaining residue and cleaning solution.

  6. Protective Measures: Ceramic Coatings create a barrier against contaminants and make it easier to clean your car's exterior. Read more below.

Enhanced Protection with Ceramic Coatings:

For an added layer of defense against pine pitch and bird droppings, consider investing in ceramic coatings for your vehicle. Ceramic coatings offer an added layer of protection thanks to their hardened and hydrophobic properties. They act as a sacrificial layer on your vehicle’s paint  that can minimize the risk of damage from contaminants like pine pitch and bird droppings.

Expert Tip:

If you're dealing with particularly stubborn stains or if you're unsure about the best approach, don't hesitate to seek professional auto detailing services. A trained technician can safely remove pine pitch and bird droppings without causing further harm to your vehicle's paint.


While pine pitch and bird droppings may seem like minor nuisances, they can have serious consequences for your vehicle's paint if not addressed promptly and properly. By following the tips outlined above and considering the benefits of ceramic coatings, you can effectively remove these contaminants and protect your car's exterior for years to come. Remember, a little prevention and maintenance can go a long way in preserving the beauty and value of your vehicle.

Stay tuned for more tips and insights on car care and maintenance!



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